Garth Hamilton at New Acland Mine

Speech – New Acland Expansion – House of Representatives

I’m delighted—absolutely tickled pink—to be standing in the Chamber today talking about the future of New Acland Mine with a smile on my face. It’s fantastic news. You see, one week ago the state Labor government finally bowed to reason and granted the necessary mining approvals for New Acland’s stage 3 expansion to go ahead,…

Garth Hamilton, Senator Amanda Stoker and Assistant Minister Scott Buccholz with representatives of University of Southern Queensland at $50 million Trailblazer Announcement

Speech – Parliament House – 1st August 2022

The $50 million Trailblazer funding investment, made under the previous government, is the single largest amount of government funding that UniSQ has ever received. This investment opens a door to a whole new universe of opportunities for future generations of local kids who are interested in exploring the emerging field of space engineering. Who would…

Garth Hamilton MP

Speech – Religious Discrimination – 9 February 2022

BILLS – Religious Discrimination Bill 2021, Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021, Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 – Second Reading Thank you to all who have written in to me on this issue, both in support of and in opposition to this bill, the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021. Overwhelmingly, the correspondence received by my office…


I’m very happy to speak about the government’s great achievements on the NBN. After all, when this government came to office, we had the task of fixing Labor’s NBN mess, and what a mess it was! Labor had a gold plated approach which would have cost billions of dollars more and left millions of Australians…