Almost a third of the cost of the $31.4 billion Inland Rail project could be saved if the line stopped at Toowoomba.
Federal Member for Groom, Garth Hamilton said the Schott review of the project, which concluded the project was facing a delayed completion date and additional costs, was justification to review the stop and start points.
Mr Hamilton is calling for the Inland Rail project to have a revised scope, terminating in Toowoomba, at least for now.
“If the Labor government is committed to delivering inland rail and serious about reigning in costs then the best option is bring the line to Toowoomba.
“If cost and time are putting pressure on the project, pause it at Toowoomba and distribute goods from there and we can prove it up.
“This would enable an immediate return on investment, see the line used and freight distributed to various ports and across southeast Queensland corner via existing road and rail networks,” Mr Hamilton said.
Mr Hamilton said that regardless of the financial costs and economic conditions of Inland Rail – one thing remained – the engineering complications of going down the range.
“If the end point is Ebenezer or Acacia Ridge, the range is still an impediment and both options require significant road upgrades.
“Bring Inland Rail to Toowoomba gives the opportunity to develop significant end-of-line capacity, utilize existing road networks, including the second range crossing and see an immediate return.
“In the meantime, the various other work can be underway to justify what the final end point looks like,” Mr Hamilton said.
Media Contact: Garth Hamilton MP 07 4632 4144