Labor’s Big Australia is getting bigger with recent ABS data revealing 454,400 people arrived in the year to March, at a time the country is experiencing housing shortages and a rental crisis.
Net overseas migration was driven by a large increase in arrivals, up 103 per cent from last year, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Federal Member for Groom, Garth Hamilton has flagged his concerns for Australians sleeping rough and struggling to find an affordable place to live.
“The unintended consequences of Labor’s big Australia is it puts greater pressure on a housing market that is already under extreme pressure.
“For young people trying to buy their first home, this means more buyers to compete with.
“For the renters who just received notice that their lease won’t be renewed, there will be more applicants to compete with.
“The last budget said 1.5 million people would arrive in Australia over the next five years, approximately 300,000 per year,” Mr Hamilton said.
“Yet Labor, the Greens and Independents can only promise 30,000 new homes.
“The numbers do not stack up and hard-working Australians are going to pay the price of Labor’s failure to plan the Housing Australia Future Fund over five years,” Mr Hamilton said.
Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Dan Tehan said Labor had a Big Australia policy by stealth but no plan to deal with its impact.
“Labor claim they don’t want a big Australia, but judge them on the facts not their words,” Mr Tehan said.
“The Coalition wants a better Australia not Labor’s Big Australia.”