Local councils should be stripped of their responsibility to conduct citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day – and possibly throughout the year – in an attempt to stop the “divisive” annual debate on whether to change the date of the public holiday.
If Councils are no longer committed to Australia Day or providing opportunities for new citizens to be welcomed on Australia Day, then Councils should be relieved of such power.
The Albanese Labor Government is undermining Australia Day by changing the rules to allow local councils to cancel citizenship ceremonies on January 26.
I am unequivocal in my support, and strongly believe we should celebrate Australia Day, not undermine it.
Each year we see the same stories of division emerge in January. The ‘for’ and ‘against’ Australia Day, creating the illusion of a war between two sides.
The time has come to put an end to such division. Australia Day is a day for all Australians, and it should be celebrated.
The Coalition believes that new citizens should have the opportunity to become Australians on our national day. That is why in government we had very clear rules for local governments.
I believe that if Councils are no longer willing to support Australia Day or citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day, as we have seen from 81 Councils, the Federal Government should take back the role.
The time has come to stop the division. Relieve Councils of their role in overseeing new citizenship ceremonies and empower local communities to welcome new Australians on Australia Day.
Let us use our national day to celebrate our achievements, values and shared future.
As the referendum result demonstrated, we want a nation that is united not divided.