Federal Member for Groom, Garth Hamilton is calling on all agencies involved in the response to detection of fire ants in Oakey to prioritise containment, decontamination and communication.
Mr Hamilton said biosecurity agencies and the National Fire Ant Eradication Program (NFAEP) should work with the local community to provide more information about the risk and spread of fire ants in Oakey.
“Local residents and businesses are concerned about the lack of information being provided and we to see state and federal agencies cooperating and sharing information.
“The NFAEP is responsible for the detection, containment and managing the biosecurity risks posed by fire ants.
“We do not need a blame game, we need heightened coordination and information sharing between levels of government, agencies responsible for responding to this detection and better engagement with the local community,” Mr Hamilton said.
Agricultural industry, biosecurity experts and downstream communities are concerned about the risk of spread via the Murray Darling.
“This risk goes beyond that of Oakey and the Darling Downs, and risks further downstream contamination in the Murray Darling,” Mr Hamilton said.
“I am calling on all levels of government and the relevant biosecurity agency to be upfront with our community to better help manage the risk and prevent further spread.
Mr Hamilton has raised his concerns with Minister for Agriculture, Murray Watt and Minister for Defence, Richard Marles.
MORE: https://www.fireants.org.au/